"Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans." - Jaques Cousteau
The ocean is the lifeblood of our planet Earth and all of human kind. If our ocean dies we die. More than 50% of our oxygen is produced by the ocean. The air we breathe, water we use, clothes we wear all comes from the ocean, we can't survive without it. When there is climate change it changes the temperature of the ocean to rise, this causes fish to migrate, affecting how marine animals reproduce, causing coral reefs to die, and producing many diseases in the ocean. The ocean takes in all the excess carbon dioxide from all the human activity. Unfortunately this causes the ocean waters to become very acidic and quite harsh for marine life to live in. The industrial pollutions coming from factories, farms, and boats also fill the marine environment with harmful chemicals, too. Plastic is being dumped all over the ocean. It is a big problem for our ocean, rubbish takes a long time to break down. Marine life mistake the trash for food, considering it looks almost identical to the food most of them eat. Animals consume the plastic as their food, it gets caught in their throats, the rubbish doesn't break down, and marine life then stop breathing. Fish industries are taking way too many fish out of their home, the ocean. As humans, we capture and consume an insane amount of fish, fish aren't able to reproduce fast enough. There are many different types of fish species that are endangered and many are becoming extinct. The ocean is becoming more empty each day. Fishing companies are using big nets that are so big they are capturing dolphins, whales, and sharks, they capture them and never let them go, so many big marine mammals are dying every day because of big fishing companies. If the key animals such as sharks become extinct then the whole food chain goes wrong, there will be too little of one fish and too much of another, it messes everything up until eventually all the animals die and the ocean is completely wiped out and dead. If we all work together, we can save our ocean!
The ocean is the lifeblood of our planet Earth and all of human kind. If our ocean dies we die. More than 50% of our oxygen is produced by the ocean. The air we breathe, water we use, clothes we wear all comes from the ocean, we can't survive without it. When there is climate change it changes the temperature of the ocean to rise, this causes fish to migrate, affecting how marine animals reproduce, causing coral reefs to die, and producing many diseases in the ocean. The ocean takes in all the excess carbon dioxide from all the human activity. Unfortunately this causes the ocean waters to become very acidic and quite harsh for marine life to live in. The industrial pollutions coming from factories, farms, and boats also fill the marine environment with harmful chemicals, too. Plastic is being dumped all over the ocean. It is a big problem for our ocean, rubbish takes a long time to break down. Marine life mistake the trash for food, considering it looks almost identical to the food most of them eat. Animals consume the plastic as their food, it gets caught in their throats, the rubbish doesn't break down, and marine life then stop breathing. Fish industries are taking way too many fish out of their home, the ocean. As humans, we capture and consume an insane amount of fish, fish aren't able to reproduce fast enough. There are many different types of fish species that are endangered and many are becoming extinct. The ocean is becoming more empty each day. Fishing companies are using big nets that are so big they are capturing dolphins, whales, and sharks, they capture them and never let them go, so many big marine mammals are dying every day because of big fishing companies. If the key animals such as sharks become extinct then the whole food chain goes wrong, there will be too little of one fish and too much of another, it messes everything up until eventually all the animals die and the ocean is completely wiped out and dead. If we all work together, we can save our ocean!